[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 3.2.4 crashes - std_alloc: Cannot allocate 1125562100111744 bytes of memory (of type "arg_reg")

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Mar 19 07:22:42 GMT 2014


On 19/03/14 07:13, Oskar Liljeblad wrote:
> Hi! That was in a different cluster, and we solved that problem by
> not mirroring some queues (!). The new crashes occur on a standalone
> node. Just need to know how to enable debugging. I'm not familiar
> with Erlang debugging in general, but if you'd tell me to run
> rabbitmq-server in gdb, recompile etc I'd probably know what to do.

The error likely occurs *while* rabbit is trying to write some debug 
information. In other words, something went wrong, rabbit tries to write 
debug info, and it's the writing of the debug info that then produces 
the error you are seeing.

So there are two problems here: 1) the one that caused the debug 
information to be written, 2) the one that causes the writing of the 
debug information to produce an error.

You didn't answer my question whether there was anything noteworthy in 
the logs. I am hoping that might help identify (1).


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