[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-c consumer will lose if Network status is bad ?

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 10:34:45 GMT 2014

2014/1/21 3k4b251 <314992959 at qq.com>

>   Then  I  send  message  to  the  Q_123.  At the beginning  I   got  every
> message   I  sended to the  Q_123.   But  after  server  hours,  I can't
> receive  message  from  the Queue   After  I sended  something.
>    I  use   rabbitmq_management  to see   that  I   lot of  Message  In
>  the
> Queue  can't  be  published ?    So  the  consumer  close   or  lose  ?

If network connection fails, clients need to reconnect and recover queues,
consumers, and so on.

Some clients support automatic recovery. AFAIK librabbitmq-c is not one of

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