[rabbitmq-discuss] Multifunctional Rabbit Architectures

Jerry Kuch jkuch at gopivotal.com
Fri Feb 21 00:58:36 GMT 2014

It's a very widely done thing and in many environments we encourage it.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Laing, Michael
<michael.laing at nytimes.com>wrote:

> I don't know if it is usual, but we use a 'proxy' cluster that faces our
> internal clients and provides a single dns name (which actually round
> robins to healthy cluster members).
> This allows us to forward the stream of messages to multiple clusters in
> our fabric for processing.
> Michael Laing
> NYTimes
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Eric Berg <eric.berg at salesforce.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I currently have a 5 node cluster setup in production that handles 80
>> queues with an HA policy of 2 nodes, peaking at about 30M total messages
>> and 10K msg/sec all for one type of task. Our application will need queues
>> going forward for a variety of unrelated tasks but I would still like one
>> entry point as the messages typically originate from the same place, and I
>> would like to avoid multiple connections per process.
>> A few questions:
>> Any reason to not keep adding nodes to the same cluster other than for
>> latency potential and queue master/slave ownership?
>> I was considering adding federation where a single upstream cluster would
>> handle all incoming messages, then several clusters downstream would
>> federate the exchanges that they needed, is this a common or unusual
>> pattern?
>> Are there any good resources for discussions or blogs where others have
>> discussed more complicated architectures?
>> Thanks for your insight!
>> - Eric Berg
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