[rabbitmq-discuss] RPC over Shovel or Federation

Vitor Cardoso vitor.cardoso.09 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 09:32:56 GMT 2014


I’m Vitor Cardoso, i am a software developer and a i have started work with 
RabbitMq a few months ago.

I think you can help me on this:

RabbitMq “local” - L
RabbitMQ “external”- E

I have this scenario, “n” instances of RabbitMq locally installed isolated 
from each other, one RabbitMQ for each server,them i have one server 
“external” that contains a RabbitMQ server and other software using it.

So in certain point i need to send a message (an RPC) from my E to one of 
this L, so i have a rabbitmq.config file in L that consumes from a queue 
“X” of E and publish to exchange “Y of L. It work’s, but like message is an 
RPC, it is created a dynamic queue for response in E and this context don’t 
is passed to my L, so my L consumes the message and can’t send the response.

It’s possible do this by this way? Can i pass context of a RPC throw shovel 
or federation?

Thanked for your help,

VItor Cardoso

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