[rabbitmq-discuss] Delayed messages to specific queue

Nikola niks at osic.rs
Mon Aug 18 15:03:37 BST 2014

Hello all,

I have read this page from docs http://www.rabbitmq.com/dlx.html and found 
examples in PHP which work fine. 

However, it looks to me that there is no way to do what we need :( 

Our web app is publishing messages to specific queues, using both exchange 
and queue name. Exchange is "direct" type and behind every queue there are 
several consumers working in load-balancing mode.

For dead-letter messages, it looks to me only new exchange (x-dead-letter-exchange) 
and routing-key (x-dead-letter-routing-key), but not new queue name. New 
queue name is important so that delayed message is sent to appropriate 

We're not using routing-keys, because queues were enough to route messages 
to different types of consumers.

Am I missing anything or is this limitation of dead-letter exchanges?

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