[rabbitmq-discuss] Missing log entries

Andy Martin akmartin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 15:51:14 BST 2014

I am trying to diagnose heartbeat timeouts I'm seeing from certain clients. 
My problem is the logs are not updating as expected. My environment is 
configured as default:


And I see connection messages from some clients:

=INFO REPORT==== 8-Aug-2014::10:06:25 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.306.0> (#.#.#.#:57465 -> #.#.#.#:5672)

But I'm running a client locally that never gets logged on this server. 
Never. I've recycled the server to ensure all logs are flushed with no 

I am running the following versions:

RabbitMQ 3.3.2, Erlang R16B03-1

Is this a known issue or wrong expectations on my part?

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