[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-c amq_channel_open(), amqp_channel_close() both need too much memory

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 13:00:30 BST 2013

2013/6/18 3k4b251 <314992959 at qq.com>

>  It seems  the
> server  always need  memory  if  I use  channel .  I want to know  how  to
> release the memory.

Is this RabbitMQ or your client memory consumption?

RabbitMQ's runtime releases memory every so often, not necessarily
immediately after a channel was closed.

A more indicative example may be opening 500 channels, closing them and
then running a small "Hello, world" example
on a single channel for a couple of minutes. Then check RabbitMQ memory
usage again.

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