[rabbitmq-discuss] [ANNOUNCEMENT] amqp-1.0.0 (stable) Released.

Pieter de Zwart pdezwart at rubiconproject.com
Wed Feb 15 22:50:27 GMT 2012

Hey Alvaro,

These are great points, and easy fixes. I had no idea empty routing keys
were permissible! As for the fluid interface, that too is a pretty easy
fix. We will put this on the roadmap for 1.1.


On 2/15/12 2:02 PM, "Alvaro Videla" <videlalvaro at gmail.com> wrote:

>I started testing the library. I see a couple of bugs or unexpected
>behaviors. Also I think the API could be improved.
>- Is not possible to publish messages using an empty routing key. I see
>that the code in amqp_exchange.c has this check:
>	if (!key_len) {
>		zend_throw_exception(amqp_exchange_exception_class_entry, "Could not
>publish to exchange. No routing key given.", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
>		return;
>	}
>- Routing keys are not optional parameters when performing bindings.
>While not a bug I would expect that they will be set as an empty string
>by default.
>Maybe the objects can implement a fluid interface? So I could write code
>On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:19 PM, Jonathan Tansavatdi wrote:
>> Just wanted to let everyone know that AMQP (a PHP extension) has been
>> released to the public. This is the first stable release.
>>> The new PECL package amqp-1.0.0 (stable) has been released at
>>> http://pecl.php.net/.
>>> Release notes
>>> -------------
>>> 1.0.0 Release:
>>> Changed/finalized API signature:
>>>   * Exposing AMQPChannel
>>>   * Exposing AMQPEnvelope
>>>   * Exposing more queue and exchange arguments and flags
>>>   * Exposing basic.qos
>>> Added persistent connections
>>> Cleaned up codebase
>>> Fixed memory leaks and segmentation faults
>>> 0.3.1 Release:
>>> Fixed bug:
>>>   * 24323: Cannot get the name for auto-named reply-to queues
>>> 0.3.0 Release:
>>> Fixed memory leaks in many functions (courtesy Jonathan Tansavatdi and
>>> Andy Wick)
>>> Fixed consume method to return proper values
>>> Cleaned up variable usage
>>> Fixed bugs:
>>>   * 22638: Unexpected exit code 1 with AMQPQueue::consume()
>>>   * 22698: AMQPQueue::consume
>>> 0.2.2 Release:
>>> Made extension compatible with PHP lt 5.3 (courtesy John Skopis)
>>> Fixed wrong typing of message properties (courtesy John Skopis)
>>> 0.2.1 Release:
>>> Fixed refcount decrementing bug causing segfaults.
>>> 0.2.0 Release:
>>> Works with AMQP 0-8 and 0-9-1 (used by RabbitMQ 2.*)
>>> Modified AMQPConnection object:
>>>   * Requires call to 'connect' method to connect (no longer connects on
>>> instantiation)
>>>   * Added support for disconnect and reconnect
>>>   * Added helper setters for port, host, vhost, login and password
>>> Improved consume method to block for MIN messages, and try to get MAX
>>> messages if available
>>> Fixed zval descoping bugs
>>> Fixed bugs:
>>>   * 17809: Couldn't compile pecl extension under PHP 5.3
>>>   * 17831: Segmentation fault when the exchange doesn't exists
>>>   * 19707: AMQPQueue::get() doesn't return the message
>>>   * 19840: Connection Exception
>>> Package Info
>>> -------------
>>> This extension can communicate with any AMQP spec 0-9-1 compatible
>>> server, such as RabbitMQ, OpenAMQP and Qpid, giving you the ability to
>>> create and delete exchanges and queues, as well as publish to any
>>> exchange and consume from any queue.
>>> Related Links
>>> -------------
>>> Package home: http://pecl.php.net/package/amqp
>>>  Changelog: http://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=amqp
>>>   Download: http://pecl.php.net/get/amqp-1.0.0.tgz
>>> Authors
>>> -------------
>>> Pieter de Zwart (lead)
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