[rabbitmq-discuss] R: Re: [RabbitMQ - HTTP API] Encoding key is mandatory in order to get messages from a queue

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 5 10:47:33 BST 2011

On 05/05/11 09:07, Salvatore Piccione wrote:
> thanks for your reply! Just few words on the reason why I'm using the
> Management HTTP API: I'm working on a proof-of-concept about the usage
> of RabbitMQ on a Android device (basically receiving messages from a
> queue) and I decided to use such interface because I had a vary short
> time for working on it and Android provides a great support for HTTP
> connections and JSON. I read a mailing list thread about the realization
> of an Android client for RabbitMQ but I noticed that it hasn't been
> developed as an "official" plugin and I also gave a look to the XMPP
> gateway (Android supports XMPP) that I could try to configure and use in
> the future.

Ah, that makes sense.

FTR the latest Java client should have had most of the 
Android-problematic stuff ripped out, so compiling it for Android 
shouldn't be too hard now (you'd hopefully need to just delete 
JDKSaslConfig.java). I'd definitely recommend that for the future over 
XMPP. But HTTP should be fine for a POC.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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