[rabbitmq-discuss] R: Re: [RabbitMQ - HTTP API] Encoding key is mandatory in order to get messages from a queue

Salvatore Piccione salvo.picci at gmail.com
Thu May 5 09:07:42 BST 2011

Hello Simon,

thanks for your reply! Just few words on the reason why I'm using the
Management HTTP API: I'm working on a proof-of-concept about the usage of
RabbitMQ on a Android device (basically receiving messages from a queue) and
I decided to use such interface because I had a vary short time for working
on it and Android provides a great support for HTTP connections and JSON. I
read a mailing list thread about the realization of an Android client for
RabbitMQ but I noticed that it hasn't been developed as an "official" plugin
and I also gave a look to the XMPP gateway (Android supports XMPP) that I
could try to configure and use in the future.

Have a nice day,

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