[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Configuration Files

Lionel Cons lionel.cons at cern.ch
Thu Feb 3 06:48:53 GMT 2011

Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> writes:
> ...but they don't contain anything about exchanges, bindings, queues,
> users, vhosts or permissions. For that you can use rabbitmqctl or the
> management plugin.

So these two tools (rabbitmqctl and the management plugin with its CLI)
seem to overlap significantly.

Will they continue to live and diverge or will you put the management
plugin in the core and replace rabbitmqctl with the management CLI?

How would you automate the installation a pre-configured broker: with a
script calling rabbitmqctl or with a JSON file to be used by the
management CLI?

Thanks for your answers.



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