[rabbitmq-discuss] error message trying to start stomp adapter?

Matthew Sackman matthew at lshift.net
Thu Jan 28 12:22:15 GMT 2010

Hi Erik,

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 02:33:40PM -0800, Erik Anderson wrote:
> I'm trying to write up instructions on how I got all this rabbitmq /
> orbited / stomp running while installing this on our production server
> and this time things don't seem to be working properly.  The
> configuration files have changed a bit from the last time I've noticed
> (upgraded from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 on windows?)  This is the error message
> that I'm getting, any obvious translation to the config entry I'm
> doing wrong?
> starting STOMP Adapter (binding to [{"",61613}])  ...{"Kernel
> pid
> terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,rabbit_stomp,
> {{invalid_host,[49,50,55,46,48,46,48,46,49],timeout},
> {rabbit_stomp,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}

Hmm, that's a bit odd. I've just installed the stomp adaptor and
literally with zero config, it all just works. This is building
rabbitmq_v1_7_1 from source.

The only things I have in my plugins dir are links to
rabbitmq-erlang-client and rabbitmq-stomp.

> I'm getting this no matter what stomp_listeners entry I put in (or
> even with no config at all) I still get this same error.
> I have noticed that the "TCP Listeners" line takes longer to startup
> with this version of RabbitMQ than the previous version did, even
> before I ran rabbitmq-activate-plugins.bat, is that affecting this at
> all?
> These are the build commands that I used to get this built (on the
> linux box in my office, once I downloaded all the dependent packages):
> cd ~/rabbit/v1.7.1
> ln -s rabbitmq-codegen-c73ecfc91be3 rabbitmq-codegen
> ln -s rabbitmq-erlang-client-825eceaca84c rabbitmq-erlang-client
> ln -s rabbitmq-public-umbrella-d1a272b28e90 rabbitmq-public-umbrella
> ln -s rabbitmq-server-90e101fd8b67 rabbitmq-server
> ln -s rabbitmq-stomp-da7859ff22c6 rabbitmq-stomp
> ln -s rabbitmq-public-umbrella/include.mk
> ln -s rabbitmq-erlang-client/dist/rabbit_common
> ln -s rabbitmq-stomp/dist/rabbit_stomp.ez ../rabbit_stomp-1.7.1.ez
> make -C rabbitmq-server
> make -C rabbitmq-erlang-client
> make -C rabbitmq-stomp

Hmm, this is a bit odd. What we tend to recommend is that you have
everything in rabbitmq-public-umbrella, so it'd look a bit like this:

cd ~/rabbit/v1.7.1
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-public-umbrella
cd rabbitmq-public-umbrella
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-codegen
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-server
cd rabbitmq-server
hg up -C rabbitmq_v1_7_1
make -j
cd -
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-erlang-client
cd rabbitmq-erlang-client
cd -
hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-stomp
cd rabbitmq-stomp
cd -
cd rabbitmq-server
mkdir -p plugins
cd !!$
ln -s ../../rabbitmq-stomp
ln -s ../../rabbitmq-erlang-client
cd ..
make cleandb run

Certainly, I've just run all of that lot, and it works fine for me!

"tip" is one of the daftest "features" (and there are many) of hg. You
should be at the head of default - that's certainly what I'm using.

With regards configuration, we would suggest that you use the config file
in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config (though this can sometimes be in other
places if eg you're using macports). Having a file like:

[{rabbit_stomp, [{listeners, [{"",61612}]}]}].

is by far the easiest way to configure plugins like this as it avoids
nasty escaping issues if passing by env vars.

Best wishes,


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