[rabbitmq-discuss] STOMP Connector / Net::Stomp / Custom Headers

lenz norbu09 at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 21 00:26:23 GMT 2009

i tried to work in production with a bridge between erlang and perl using
Net::STOMP on RabbitMQ. in short, it did not work because of the limitations
of STOMP. i have some libs around Net::STOMP that do RPC style stuff and can
probably clean them up a bit and push them on github.
we intended to write a native AMQP perl implementation but resources got
used up in other projects. if one of you would put some time in as well we
could probably bump out a first version in not too much time and write the
overdue perl implementation finally.



On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Darien Kindlund <darien at kindlund.com>wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> Perhaps you can address this issue:  I've got two perl processes both
> using Net::Stomp to talk to one another via the RabbitMQ STOMP
> connector.
> 1) When sending a message, I've tried setting the header named:
> 'reply-to', 'reply_to', x-reply-to', and 'x_reply_to'.  In *all*
> cases, it seems that the STOMP connector strips this header before
> sending the message through to the receiving *perl* process.
> So, I ask, how can two perl processes effectively send messages to
> each other, where one of the perl processes sets up a "temporary"
> queue and routing_key and needs to let the other perl process know the
> temporary routing key in order to receive any type of response?
> 2) In general, how does the STOMP connector deal with custom headers
> via Net::Stomp?  Does it strip out all custom headers?  Or only custom
> headers that don't begin with 'x-'?
> Regards,
> -- Darien
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