[rabbitmq-discuss] Support for other protocols in RabbitMQ?

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Tue Oct 23 11:19:00 BST 2007

Hi Tom,

You're right - the HTTP support for rabbit builds on the server's
codebase. Communication between the JSON-RPC listener and the rabbit
broker uses internal Erlang messaging.

The code is broken, at the moment. I've just checked the trunk of the
development line, and it needs work before a new snapshot can be
released. I'll see what I can do about this later on this week.


Tom Samplonius wrote:
>   I've been trying to figure out how to use the rabbit-over-http support.
> The first issue, is where does it assume Rabbit is supposed to be
installed? I get a bunch of errors that the includes can't be found. Is
the http module supposed to be stuffed inside Rabbit?
> Tom
 [][][] Tony Garnock-Jones     | Mob: +44 (0)7905 974 211
   [][] LShift Ltd             | Tel: +44 (0)20 7729 7060
 []  [] http://www.lshift.net/ | Email: tonyg at lshift.net

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