[rabbitmq-discuss] AMQP protocol version mismatch

Gordon Sim gsim at redhat.com
Wed Aug 29 12:36:17 BST 2012

On 08/29/2012 10:39 AM, Paolo wrote:
> I have installed and configured RabbitMQ-server-2.8.6-1 on ubuntu 10.04.
> My java web application successfully connects using the library which is
> included in RabbitMQ-java-client-bin-2.8.6.
> I repeated the same installation and configuration on centos 6.3.
> When the java application tries to connect to the server rabbit, takes
> the error:
> "com.rabbitmq.client.MalformedFrameException: AMQP protocol version
> mismatch, we are version 0-9-1, server sent signature 1,1,0,10"
> I tried the same configuration on Ubuntu  and onCentos with
> RabbitMQ-server-2.7.1-1 and with the library AMQP-client-2.7.1.jar. The
> behavior is the same: it works on ubuntu but I have the same error
> message on centos
> someone can give me some indication about ?

My guess is that on centos you have a Qpid server running on the 5672 
port, rather than RabbitMQ (they speak different versions of the 
protocol). If you stop the qpidd service and start RabbitMQ you should 
be fine.

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