[rabbitmq-discuss] "None of the specified endpoints were reachable"

Tammo.Filusch at btc-ag.com Tammo.Filusch at btc-ag.com
Thu Jul 16 15:45:56 BST 2009


i´m building a client server .net application that uses rabbitmq as mom.

the code i´m using to pulish messages is:

                          IProtocol protocol = Protocols.FromEnvironment();
                    IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection(rmqBrokerUrl);
                    IModel channel  = conn.CreateModel();
                    conn.AutoClose = true;
                    IBasicProperties props = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
                    channel.BasicPublish(exchange, routingKey, props, buffer);
                    channel.Close(200, "Goodbye");

after sending about 4000msg each in a single thread using the above code,  im getting error that states:

"None of the specified endpoints were reachable".

any hints on this?

thanks a lot,


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