[rabbitmq-discuss] Callbacks in Perl

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Fri May 16 15:09:30 BST 2014

On 16 May 2014 at 17:34:09, makita at blava.net (makita at blava.net) wrote:
> > i am using Net::RabbitMQ v 1.16 from cpan. The callbacks for  
> method publish does not work.
> How can i publish with callbacks?

This is a question for Net::RabbitMQ maintainer. 
Note that there are no callbacks for basic.publish in the protocol,
so whenever the Perl client is supposed to invoke them, it's a client-specific
feature that may be misleading.

Also, I hear that RabbitFoot
is a better maintained client:

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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