[rabbitmq-discuss] ANN: rabbitpy 0.18.0

Gavin M. Roy gavinmroy at gmail.com
Wed May 14 22:56:28 BST 2014

rabbitpy 0.18.0 is now available for download from pypi. It is considered the latest and greatest stable release and all users are urged to upgrade.

This release primarily improves performance and IO exceptions:

- Makes the IO thread daemonic, no longer blocking the python interpreter from exiting on exception
- Lower CPU utilization when blocking for a RPC reply by sleeping for 1 second instead of 100ms

Additionally, thanks to Victor Boivie for the patch adding redelivered as a read-only property on rabbitpy.Message

For more information, including installation instructions, please visit https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rabbitpy or the documentation at https://rabbitpy.readthedocs.org 

If you have any issues, please be sure to use the issue tracker at https://github.com/gmr/rabbitpy/issues



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