[rabbitmq-discuss] Fanout and Route for 3,000 queues

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sat May 3 11:12:14 BST 2014

On 03/05/14 10:56, shuki Licht wrote:
> thanks for your replies,
> 1. is the BCC/CC direction is the only option that i have to broadcast the
> message to several queues(about 60% of the queues), if every time i need to
> send it to diffrent list of queues?

That's what cc/bcc is designed for, so it is pretty much your only option.

> 2. any other alternatives to imporve my performance of broadcast direction?

As Alvaro said, the issue is your use of confirms. The absolutely worst 
thing you can possibly do is wait for confirmation after every publish. 
So don't do that. Instead design your app s.t. confirmations are 
processed asynchronously.


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