[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ C# client

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Mar 18 15:40:38 GMT 2014

On 18/03/14 15:12, S. Doug Hunt wrote:
> We create a queue when a review operator first opens a unit of work.
> Other operators can open the same unit of work, but obviously we do not
> want to add items to the queue from the database for subsequent
> operators.    So – the first thing we do is use the
> QueueDeclarePassive(queuename) method in a try-catch.
> So – for the first operator fails with the error that the queue was not
> found.   We then attempt to use the QueueDeclare method to create the
> queue, however it then fails with the same error.

Exactly the same error? What error message are you getting, precisely?

> I suspect that the QueueDeclarePassive method may have set the passive
> bit – and the client is not resetting it after failing so that the
> subsequent call also is acting like a passive call.

The passive bit is not stored in the model object; it's a parameter of 
the individual calls to QueueDeclare.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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