[rabbitmq-discuss] absolute message counts

Jason McIntosh mcintoshj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 18:27:39 GMT 2014

The way I've been looking to do it is using the seq_id on the backing queue
stats via the management API.  Though not ideal, it gives you a current
number that you can do a delta on.  There's a few other fields in there
that might provide this information as well.


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Dmitry Andrianov <
dmitry.andrianov at alertme.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> Is there a way to get absolute message counters (instead of rates) from
> RabbitMQ?
> I am thinking of creating a script which takes that value every minute and
> saves into some sort of time series database.
> It is very easy to derive rates from absolute values but it is tricky to
> do the opposite...
> (I would need number of messages published on an exchange, and delivered
> from a queue to consumers)
> Thanks
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Jason McIntosh
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