[rabbitmq-discuss] Reject persistent messages on a specific queue

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sun Mar 9 08:58:14 GMT 2014


On 07/03/14 16:32, Giovanni Foiani wrote:
> I'd like to know if is possible to force a queue to accept only non
> persistent messages and reject persistent ones.
> I'm asking this because I read that persistent messages reduce RabbitMQ
> performace and I want to prevent clients to persist messages on specific
> queues.

Please read 
which explains that messages are only persisted if they are marked as 
such *and the queue is declared as 'durable'*. So simply declare the 
queue(s) as non-durable, though this does mean they need re-creating 
after a broker restart.


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