[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Cluster

David Rodriguez davidr at spindance.com
Sat Mar 8 19:41:22 GMT 2014

Alright I am banging my head against the wall on this.  I am trying to 
configure a rabbitmq cluster with 3 nodes using RabbitMQ 3.2.3 .  I have 
verified that the cookies match on all of the server but I am still getting 
the following message when I try to cluster one node to another.  Error: 
{cannot_discover_cluster,"The nodes provided are either offline or not 
running"}  I verified that the epmd port is open and I also set the 
following parameter {kernel, [{inet_dist_listen_min, 
9100},{inet_dist_listen_max, 9105}]} and I have opened those ports on the 
firewall also.  All of the rabbitmq logs show no errors.  I am running 
CentOS 6.5.  Any ideas?  I have looked at various posts about this and have 
tried the suggestions and still nothing.  I can telnet amongst the nodes 
using their dns name to port 4369 .  I have checked another working cluster 
that we have and my configs appear to be the same.  

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