[rabbitmq-discuss] [rabbitmq-c] minimal network bandwidth requirement to API execute

Alan Antonuk alan.antonuk at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 08:00:15 GMT 2014

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Rohit Patle <Rohit.Patle at techmahindra.com>wrote:
> In continuation to our observation, It looks like the sequence on API's
> for SSL connection establishment is blocking. Could you please let us know
> what is the duration of time it hangs for?

By connection establishment I assume you mean amqp_socket_open() on a
socket you create with amqp_ssl_socket_new() ? The timeout for opening a
TCP/IP socket to the broker is dependent on your operating-system (you'd
need to look at the documentation for what the timeout is for opening a
tcp/ip socket). The OpenSSL layer operates on top of this TCP/IP socket,
and a certain amount of reading and writing to the socket must occur after
the socket is opened for the TLS socket is considered open - each of these
operations has a timeout associated with it.

Short answer: I cannot give you a good answer for this.

Also while amqp_login fail the API return
> "AMQP_RESPONSE_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION". Here I would like to know is this the
> case of segmentation fault/violation in library?

If the amqp_login() function returns an AMQP_RESPONSE_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION,
this does not mean that a segmentation fault has occurred in the library.
It usually means that some other error has occurred and that you should
check the library_error member of the amqp_rpc_reply_t struct and compare
it against the values in amqp_status_enum to determine what went wrong.
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