[rabbitmq-discuss] [rabbitmq-c] minimal network bandwidth requirement to API execute

Alan Antonuk alan.antonuk at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 07:50:45 GMT 2014

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 6:03 AM, Rohit Patle <Rohit.Patle at techmahindra.com>wrote:

>  Hi Alan,
> I am producing this latency by using tc (transmission control) tool in
> Ubuntu. In this case the API amqp_login is getting failed to execute with
> exception at listener. Here I would like to know that what is the Signal
> that library is producing in such case?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'exception' here? The possible return values
from amqp_login are documented here:
amqp exceptions are covered in the documentation . FYI: the library does
not explicitly use unix signals.

> As you suggested We tried to close the socket connection in case of
> rabbitmq-server is down, But while doing this the amqp_connection_close()
> API gets failed to execute with exception and returns some Signal to kernel
> from library.
> Can you please let me know what is the Signal that library is producing in
> this kind scenarios?

Again - I'm not sure what you mean by signal. Could you clarify what you're
trying to ask here?

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