[rabbitmq-discuss] exclusive auto delete queue disappears

cogitate monish.unni at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 07:00:52 GMT 2014

hi Mathias R et al:
  i have a rabbitmq broker setup behind a load-balancer. for reply-queues 
from the client, i use exclusive and auto-delete queues. these reply-queues 
are created when the webapp is booted. they are held in a pool of 
clients(threads) that maybe borrowed by any publisher to wait for replies 
to simulate RPC semantics. once done with the call the client is returned 
back to the pool, which again maybe used by some other publisher.

once in a while, the auto-delete and exclusive reply-queue is deleted. 
there are no errors in rabbitmq broker except a WARNING REPORT that has 
high correlation to the time when the queue disappeared 

=WARNING REPORT==== 6-Mar-2014::15:35:33 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.13020.5> (load_balancer_ip:21303 -> broker_ip:5672):
it seems this maybe just a "liveness" check from load_balancer, because i find lots of these in the logs.

is it possible at all that auto-delete, exclusive reply-queues can get 
swept by load-balancer closing  tcp connection with following amqp shutdown?

thank you for your attention,

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