[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue data recovery after master failure

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jun 18 09:42:19 BST 2014

On 18/06/2014 04:43, Andrei wrote:
> Is there a way to either designate the slave that still has the data as
> a master for the troubled queue, or to push that queue data to the new
> (resurrected) node?

I'm afraid not. Really "rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node" should be able 
to cause down slaves to come back as new masters, which would be the 
right solution to this. I'm hoping that we'll be able to do that for 
3.4.0, but it's a somewhat intrusive change. The bug number for this 
branch will be 26191, so you can keep an eye on it in future (currently 
there's nothing there).

Cheers, Simon

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