[rabbitmq-discuss] Does rabbitmq support to push the same data to multi consumers?

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Thu Jun 12 10:56:38 BST 2014

On 12 June 2014 at 12:32:05, DeepNightTwo (deepnighttwo at gmail.com) wrote:
> > I have a rabbitmq cluster used as a working queue. There are 5  
> kinds of
> consumers who want to consume exactly the same data.
> What I know for now is using fanout exchange to "copy" the data  
> to 5
> DIFFERENT queues. And the 5 consumers can consume different  
> queue. This is
> kind of wasting resources because the data is the same in file  
> queues.

It is not wasting any significant amount of resources: message payload
is stored once and a reference is added to multiple queue indices.

> My question is, does rabbitmq support to push the same data to  
> multi
> consumers? Just like a message need to be acked for a specified  
> times to be
> deleted.

As you correctly point out above, the way to do it with RabbitMQ is
to use multiple queues (one per consumer) and a fanout, topic, or similar
exchange type. 

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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