[rabbitmq-discuss] Debug Logging in catalina.out

Srinath Sridharan -X (srinatsr - ZENSAR TECHNOLOGIES INC at Cisco) srinatsr at cisco.com
Mon Jun 2 07:07:35 BST 2014


I don't want the following logs to be logged in catalina.out.

2014-06-02 02:06:16,170|DEBUG|T:SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-1|org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.BlockingQueueConsumer|Retrieving delivery for Consumer: tags=[[amq.ctag-Z0IyGvXnd8FI4ISm7EHhaQ]], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest@,1), acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0

It keeps on logging for every sec.

How to change this?

Regards ...*

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