[rabbitmq-discuss] Relocate Rabbit log files on Windows 2008R2

Scott McFadden scott.kendall.mcfadden at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 02:42:53 BST 2014

I installed RabbitMQ 3.3.0 on our dev Win2008R2 box as my domain user 
acme\smcfadden.  After install was complete, I changed the Windows service 
from amce\smcfadden to acme\rabbitservice (acme\rabbitservice is a local 
admin).  Also, I added the following system level environment variable:


I then restarted the RabbitMQ service via the MMC snapin for services.

Unfortunately, the log files still write to 
C:\Users\smcfadden\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ instead of C:\Logs\RabbitMQ

Please advise how to change log file location.

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