[rabbitmq-discuss] Confirmation IDs

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Sun Jul 27 15:25:46 BST 2014

On 27 July 2014 at 15:54:44, Nagy, Attila (bra at fsn.hu) wrote:
> > My case: I process a file, containing multiple records. I do  
> this in a
> FIFO manner: reading the file from its head towards its tail,  
> sending
> each record with AMQP and waiting for confirms.
> The problem here is that I have to keep a local delivery tag to file  
> pointer table, so I know which delivery tag means which file pointer.  

Yes, you need to correlate messages with delivery tags.

> I think it would be much easier and flexible if the confirmation  
> system
> would allow data to be "inherited" from the original message,  
> like its
> properties or headers.

So, calculated from the message? That won't work very well if you publish
exactly the same message N times in a row.

Either way, it is probably too late to change how publisher confirms work.
We can't just break things for all the existing users out there. 

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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