[rabbitmq-discuss] Multifunctional Rabbit Architectures

Laing, Michael michael.laing at nytimes.com
Sun Feb 23 20:45:09 GMT 2014

See below. -ml

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Eric Berg <eric.berg at salesforce.com> wrote:

> Thanks Michael and Jerry for your input, I really appreciate it.
> Michael,
> Roughly how many nodes are in your proxy cluster?

We have 3 nodes in each proxy cluster, one in each AWS zone ina region.

> What sort of message rate/size does it handle?

Roughly 1M msgs per day growing to 100M. Often bursty. Median size 2KB,
some up to 200KB.

> What sort of HA policy do you have if a proxy cluster node goes down?

All queues we define are HA; cluster_partition_handling is pause_minority.

> How does the cluster proxy? Federation or shovel?

The proxy is passive. Shovels run on the core or product vhosts (see below).

> Do all downstream clusters serve the same purpose or are they separated
> by function?

We run some downstream 'product' clusters on behalf of internal clients,
giving them most of the control, as reliable waystations (replicated and
parallelized services) into the nyt⨍aбrik regional core clusters. Other
internal clients connect directly from the proxies to the core clusters.

How did you go about determining this topology for your requirements? Was
> it just a trial and error type experiment or are there well established
> patterns that I am unaware of?

We have experimented over the past 2 years and have been guided by
principles more than by patterns: simple, global, headless, replicated,
idempotent, auto-balancing, everything active.

> Jerry,
> When you say "It's very widely done" do you mean:
> A. A large cluster to contain everything or
> B. A 'proxy' type upstream cluster that serves as a global entry point
> Thanks so much guys!
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