[rabbitmq-discuss] Queues declared with "x-ha-policy", "all" but not mirrored

Patrick Long pat at munkiisoft.com
Wed Feb 19 11:22:10 GMT 2014

I am sure I have misunderstood something.

Exchange - Durable
Queue - Durable

QueueDeclare code looks like this (C#)

model.QueueDeclare(workQueueName, true, false, false, new
Dictionary<string, object>() { { "x-ha-policy", "all" } });

What that says to me is make this a highly available queue mirrored across
all nodes in the cluster.

However if I try and run rabitmqctl sync_queue it says that queue is not

Whilst on the subject of queue and their location. When I use the
Management UI there is a "Node" column. Is that the current master for that
queue? Our queues do not appear in the queue list when the node in that
column is off. More evidence that they are not mirrored



Patrick Long - Munkiisoft Ltd
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