[rabbitmq-discuss] Duplicate exchange detection

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Feb 18 17:35:54 GMT 2014

On 18/02/14 17:35, pkbasu wrote:
> Now let's say after a few days John connects again and this time connects to
> a different RabbitMQ broker (broker2) (maybe this one is in a different
> geographical location). If his client tries to "Declare" the exchange again,
> will this new broker create a duplicate exchange or will it know that such
> an exchange already exists and use that exchange (even though it is on
> broker1). I don't want any duplicates, what should I do in that case.

If these two brokers are clustered or have exchange federation 
configured, then the exchange will already be there.

If the two brokers are just two separate brokers then... well, they're 

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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