[rabbitmq-discuss] Internal IP address conflict, gives channel the same name

xeon Mailinglist xeonmailinglist at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 15:15:26 GMT 2014

Maybe I used channel instead of queues. What I want to say is that the
queues of the host use the internal IP address for RabbitMQ. The 4 hosts
have as hostname the internal IP address.  The external IP address is
registered as channel in the rabbitMQ.

All hosts have this queue set:
[queue]     exchange= key=

How I set queue that I can know to which host I am sending a message?

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:10 PM, xeon Mailinglist <xeonmailinglist at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I know that RabbitMQ use the IP to identify a channel by default. But my
> problem is that, the 4 hosts use the internal IP address as a channel name,
> and are registered in the rabbitMQ with the external IP address. Therefore,
> when I send a message to the external IP address of one host, the message
> is not relay to the correct channel. Also, the internal IP address is the
> same in the 4  hosts, because they are running in different domains, and
> the domains use the same internal IP address, but different external IPs.
> How I set a channel to each external IP address to send messages?
> Thanks,
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