[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbitmq 3.2.3 upgrade ..

sagu prf sagu.prf1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 20:02:10 GMT 2014

Hello Team ,

           I am facing following issue on  mirror queue policy .


rabbitmqctl set_policy -p "VHOST1" ha-all "^DataService\."
'{"ha-mode":"all"}' --priority "1"
rabbitmqctl set_policy -p "HOST1" ha-all "^CarrierService\."
'{"ha-mode":"all"}' --priority "1"

 how does priority value works in mirror queue  ? .

First command , set mirror policy for DataService prefixed name  queues .

second command , set mirror policy for CarrierService and it's removed
first command mirrored policy .

i have 20 queues start with DataService prefix and 20 queues start
with CarrierService on same vhost VHOST1 .


We are running shovel on one rabbtimq host ( on same cluster ) .

shovel start with rabbit2 at hostname .

Cluster rabbitmq services start  with rabbit at hostname

Please note our environment will support only the mirrored queue and
cluster running behind the LB .



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