[rabbitmq-discuss] Issue with RabbitMQ 2-way federation setup

Rahul rahulkj at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 01:28:41 GMT 2014

I am using the latest RabbitMQ version 3.2.3 and as learning I'm using the
deafult vhost which is "/"
My one way federation is working as I can see the messages posted from Node
B reaches the queue that was created on Node A

So one behavior that I've seen is, the message once published, reaches the
queue where it was created.

Can you post your steps/configuration? Not sure what I'm missing.

I assume with 2 way federation, messages posted on a exchange that was
created on Node A, will be available on Node A and Node B?

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Arun Rao <arunrao.seattle at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I got this working for a topic exchange. Can you first try to do one
> way federation?
> I had some issues with using a different virtual host name from the
> upstream cluster.
> I am using you are using "/" default vhost.
> What does it say as federation status on web UI? Also, what is your
> rabbitmq version?
> Thanks!
> -arun.
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Rahul <rahulkj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That doesn't do the trick.
>> Is the configuration of federation correct?
>> On node A I configure Node B as upstream, and viceversa on Node B.
>> Also does federation work for all Exchange types
>> (Direct/Topic/Fanout/Headers)
>> I'm new to this concept and trying to get the 2-way communication work.
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Arun Rao <arunrao.seattle at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> try using this definition on your policy,
>>> '{"federation-upstream-set":"all"}'
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Rahul Jain <rahulkj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've been trying to setup a 2-way federation for my 2 nodes A and B.
>>>> I ran the following commands on Node A:
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_parameter federation-upstream rabbit2 '{"uri":"amqp://<Node B IP>"}'
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_parameter federation local-nodename '"rabbit1"'
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_policy federate-me "^test\." '{"federation-upstream-set":"test"}'
>>>> commands on Node B:
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_parameter federation-upstream rabbit2 '{"uri":"amqp://<Node A IP>"}'
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_parameter federation local-nodename '"rabbit2"'
>>>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_policy federate-me "^test\." '{"federation-upstream-set":"test"}'
>>>> Now I created a fanout exchange and queue on Node A, namely
>>>> test.fanout-Exchange and test.fanout-Queue, using the RabbitMQ console.
>>>> When I publish a message using RabbitMQ console of Node A, I see the
>>>> message reaches the queue on Node A alone, and not on Node B.
>>>> Any clues?
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>> Regards,
>> Rahul
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