[rabbitmq-discuss] Publishing Performance

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 5 09:52:56 GMT 2014

On 05/02/2014 12:10AM, Simone Sciarrati wrote:
> I tried rabbitmqctl list_queues and could not see
> backing_queue_status.ram_msg_count, I think you mean ./rabbitmqadmin
> list queues name backing_queue_status.ram_msg_count (or variations of
> it)

You can do that too. For rabbitmqctl you need "rabbitmqctl list_queues 
name backing_queue_status" and then pull ram_msg_count out yourself.

> How does backing_queue_status.ram_msg_count relate to the queue paging
> messages to disk?

It tells you the number of messages the queue has in RAM. If that number 
is the same as the total message count, no paging has taken place. 
Otherwise it has.

> I have seen a few threads and in one it was
> suggested to look at the comments in
> https://github.com/michaelklishin/rabbit-hole/blob/master/queues.go#L10
> but there I see:
> RAMMessageCount       int64   `json:"ram_msg_count"`
> // Number of outstanding acks held in RAM

You need the comment before that line, not after it:

	// Number of messages held in RAM
	RAMMessageCount       int64   `json:"ram_msg_count"`

> Also where does it show in the UI?

On the right hand side of "Details" under "Overview" on the queue 
details page.

It was only added to the UI in 3.2.0 BTW.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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