[rabbitmq-discuss] Message Rates slow down

Mahesh Viraktamath yuva670 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 09:22:43 GMT 2014

Hi Michael, thanks for your reply.

My exact scenario is as follows -

I have 2 queues - Q_IN and Q_OUT

I have 3 consumers - A, B and C

A writes to Q_IN in bulk, B is not yet started.

Once, A is done with publishing 25k messages to Q_IN, B is started and it
consumes from it. After each message is processed, B writes an output to
Q_OUT. It consumes and publishes at 4.5/s. C is not yet started.

Now, when C is started, it starts consuming B's output from Q_OUT, at this
time message rates of B go down to 1.6-1.8.

A and C are python clients using pika and BlockingConnection. B is a java


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Michael Klishin <mklishin at gopivotal.com>wrote:

> On 5 Feb 2014, at 13:09, Mahesh Viraktamath <yuva670 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > When I run a consumer which writes to a queue - say "Q_OUT", the message
> rate is around 4.5/s. If I start another consumer which consumes from
> "Q_OUT", the message rate for the writing consumer drops considerably to
> 1.6-1.8. I can't understand how can a consuming client can bring down the
> message rate of the writing consumer.
> If your consumer also publishes messages, adding another consumer to the
> same queue will lead to the 2nd consumer
> consuming some of the messages. That means the 1st consumer does less
> work, and publishes fewer messages.
> If I misunderstood your use case, can you please post some code and
> management UI screenshots that demonstrate
> your observations?
> MK
> Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ
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