[rabbitmq-discuss] Policy Settings definition

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Feb 4 10:18:05 GMT 2014

On 03/02/2014 8:59PM, Michael Klishin wrote:
> As Álvaro mentioned earlier, [1] mentions that when configuring via policies,
> the key should be "dead-letter-exchange” (without the “x-“ prefix).

For some background: the reason why it's this way is that arguments not 
specified in the AMQP standard need to begin with "x-", but policies are 
not part of AMQP so they don't have that constraint.

I wonder whether that was a mistake though. It *is* confusing...

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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