[rabbitmq-discuss] eacces error in RabbitMQ when trying to set up federation

J. Daniel Ashton jdashton at ashtonfam.org
Mon Feb 3 14:35:18 GMT 2014

I'm trying to prototype federated message queuing between a Mac host and a 
Fedora 20 image running under VirtualBox. After a certain amount of head 
banging I managed to get the Mac exchanges federated from the Fedora 
exchanges, meaning that messages sent to the Fedora upstream broker are 
received on the Mac (downstream) broker.

However, when trying to go the other way (Fedora sees Mac as upstream), I 
get error messages about "eacces".

==> rabbit at localhost.log <==

=WARNING REPORT==== 29-Jan-2014::21:18:11 ===
Federation exchange 'amq.direct' in vhost '/' did not connect to exchange 'amq.direct' in vhost '/' on amqp://

==> rabbit at localhost-sasl.log <==

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 29-Jan-2014::21:18:11 ===
 Supervisor: {<0.15681.0>,
 Context:    child_terminated
 Reason:     {shutdown,restart}
 Offender:   [{pid,<0.21716.0>},

My Google-fu is failing me. What may be causing the above error (*e.g.*SELinux?) and how should I go about fixing it?

BTW, on the theory that it might be the Linux or Mac firewalls, I tried 
opening a browser on the Fedora box and requesting 
I got a (tiny) answer in return, so the firewall looks less likely to be 
the problem.
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