[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq message delay

Lost w_pg at qq.com
Wed Aug 20 10:43:58 BST 2014

1. Every 5 seconds to do a statistics.
 2. One publisher publish mssage to a direct type exchange,  One consumer subscribe all message in one queue.
 3. Use rabbitmq-c client lib.
 4. count: message count every 5 second
     avg: average delay in millisecond
     min: min delay in millisecond
     max: max delay in millisecond
 1.csv: publish message 10000/s, every 100 microsecond to publish 1 message.
  2.csv: publish message no rate limit, use a for loop to do it.
 The 1.csv delay is only 1 millisecond, but the 2.csv is need 50 millisecond!!
 Is any possible to reduce message delay?
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