[rabbitmq-discuss] ANN DO NOT use amqp gem unless you already use EventMachine

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Sat Apr 12 09:10:17 BST 2014

As the maintainer of 3 most widely used Ruby RabbitMQ clients, I have
a little announcement to make.

I’ve been meaning to suggest this in amqp gem README for a long time
and finally it’s time to do so: if you don’t use EventMachine, avoid
amqp gem. There is no reason to use it over Bunny or March Hare.

The oddities of EventMachine, mostly around error handling, make amqp gem
a pain for beginners. The library can only hide/work around some of it.

Bunny and March Hare are much better clients in what they focus on: ease of use (the former)
or best possible throughput/latency (the latter).

This is now stated loud and clear in the README:

but I wanted to mention it here as well.

Happy hacking.

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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