[rabbitmq-discuss] Riak exchange fails in exchange.declare

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 16 14:44:02 BST 2013


On 16/10/13 11:53, Anders Kullberg wrote:

>              [{rabbit_exchange_type_riak,exchange_type,
>                   [{exchange,
>                        {resource,<<"/">>,exchange,<<"apa">>},
>                        'x-riak',true,false,false,[],undefined,undefined,
>                        {[],[]}}]},

-record(exchange, {name, type, durable, auto_delete, internal,
arguments, scratches, policy}).

-record(exchange, {name, type, durable, auto_delete, internal,
arguments, scratches, policy, decorators}).

It looks like that exchange requires updating to work with the latest
version of RabbitMQ. Its definition of an exchange does not support
exchange decorators. You can ask the author to refresh the library or
use the version of RabbitMQ that the library was written for (3.0.0
according to the documentation, but 3.0.4 should also work).


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