[rabbitmq-discuss] MQTT Adapter question

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 30 12:28:01 BST 2013


On 30/05/13 11:51, mlinnen at protosystem.net wrote:
> My question is how do the AMQP messages get broken down into MQTT
> topics?  if I publish a message on the RabbitMQ side what topic do I
> subscribe to on the MQTT side for the embedded devices?

The RabbitMQ MQTT adapter make use of a configured topic exchange, which
is "amq.topic" by default. If AMQP publishers select this exchange then
MQTT subscribers with matching subscriptions will be able to receive
their messages. The message routing key must match the subscription
pattern with respect to the syntax rules of each protocol. The
translation table is here:

See com.rabbitmq.mqtt.test.MqttTest.testInteropA2M() for an example of
interop between AMQP and MQTT.

Also see this post by Brett Cameron for more interop examples:


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