[rabbitmq-discuss] Trace Plugin

Jeffery, Mark MJeffery at fnb.co.za
Wed May 29 11:24:07 BST 2013


Is this a bug ? elbeit a low priority one.

I have tested the same client on 2.8.4 and I receive messages.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffery, Mark 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:52 PM
To: 'Matthias Radestock'; Discussions about RabbitMQ
Subject: RE: [rabbitmq-discuss] Trace Plugin


Thanks for the prompt response :

I have the following scenario that led to my question

On 3.0.1 if I (via Java, not management console)

Have the rabbitmq_tracing plugin enabled Declare a queue "tracepublish"
Bind it to exchange amq.rabbitmq.trace with routing key publish.# Start a Consumer on "tracepublish"
Execute rabbitmqctl trace_on

I receive all the messages published perfectly.

However if I
Disable the rabbitmq_tracing plugin.
Declare a queue "tracepublish"
Bind it to exchange amq.rabbitmq.trace with routing key publish.# Start a Consumer on "tracepublish"
Execute rabbitmqctl trace_on

I get no messages on the consumer side. Almost as though the firehose tracing was disabled when the plugin was disabled



-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Radestock [mailto:matthias at rabbitmq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:25 PM
To: Discussions about RabbitMQ
Cc: Jeffery, Mark
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Trace Plugin

On 28/05/13 13:12, Jeffery, Mark wrote:
> The trace plugin is still listed as "experimental".
> Would anyone be willing to confirm its readiness for use in a 
> production environment ?

We are not planning any major work on it in the foreseeable future.
We haven't received many bug reports or feature requests since releasing it. Which could mean either the plug-in works perfectly, or it doesn't get used much, or both :) Take your pick.

> Another thing that I would just like to confirm :
> Even if the tracing plugin is disabled, the command parameters 
> trace_on and trace_off are still available to be passed to 
> rabbitmqctl, they will just have no effect ?

As the description of rabbitmq_tracing says... it "Adds message tracing to the management plugin. Logs messages from the firehose in a couple of formats.". So the actual tracing is done by the firehose (http://www.rabbitmq.com/firehose.html), and that's what 'rabbitmqctl trace_{on,off}' controls. Hence even without the rabbitmq_tracing plug-in, there is a cost to running with tracing enabled.


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