[rabbitmq-discuss] User permission

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 29 10:40:51 BST 2013

On 29/05/13 09:22, Slyth wrote:
> No there was a misunderstood between my boss and me. They don't have access
> to the web interface but the problem is still there, that I don't know how I
> should config the permissions.
>> I have users who should have there own queues, *on* which only they and I
>> should
>> *have full access (c+w+r)* AND all of them should have permissions to
>> *only* send msg to a >special
>> queue and only one user (me) should have the permission to receive*(full
>> access)*.

Most of that should be quite straightforward to set up. The only tricky 
bit is preventing users from sending messages to queues other than their 
own. Before we come to that, have you managed to get the permissions set 
up for everything else? If not, please explain what you tried, i.e. what 
permissions you have set (post the output of 'rabbitmqctl 
list_permissions') and what incorrect behaviour you observed.


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