[rabbitmq-discuss] Expected msg/s per CPU core

Nikola Savic niks at osic.rs
Fri May 24 09:29:41 BST 2013

I found one benchmark of different MQ servers, which included STOMP and 
AMQP on RabbitMQ. STOMP was much slower :(


Will try to implement STOMP on producers and will let you know if it 
works better from client and server point of view :)

On 05/23/2013 03:23 PM, Matthias Radestock wrote:
> Nikola,
> On 19/05/13 15:06, Nikola Savic wrote:
>> Would STOMP be better approach to connect to RabbitMQ from PHP?
> STOMP's connection establishment handshake has fewer steps, so for a 
> connect-publish-disconnect scenario might well be quicker than AMQP. 
> Though the only way to be sure is to test it :)
> Matthias.

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