[rabbitmq-discuss] Auto-delete queues not compatible with basic.get (vs. basic.consume)?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 23 22:18:56 BST 2013

On 23/05/13 21:57, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2013/5/24 Matt Pietrek <mpietrek at skytap.com <mailto:mpietrek at skytap.com>>
>     Another follow up question: What exactly is meant by "they can't be
>     shared"? Is the exclusivity limited to reading, or does it encompass
>     both reading and writing?
> any operation on the queue

More specifically, any queue.* method in AMQP.

Note that publishers never 'write' to queues but publish messages to 
exchanges. So they are not affected by a queue's exclusivity.


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