[rabbitmq-discuss] WCF bind error VS 2010

Jimi Riblei newsjimi at gmail.com
Sun May 12 16:16:30 BST 2013

I'm trying to bind RabbtiMQ to WCF service library without success.
I have tried with :

To add a RabbitMQ binding to an existing (or new)
configuration file, open the service configuration
and expand the Advanced > Extensions >
binding extensions node. Click the ‘new’ button and
select the RabbitMQBindingSection type from the
RabbitMQ.ServiceModel.dll assembly. "

But when I choose  the DLL I get this error:
Could not load file or assembly file '' or one of its dependences.
Operation is not supported

My environment :
Windows 7
Visual studio 2010
Framework 4

Thank you!
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